Importance Of Indoor Air Quality For AC Service Companies

Being the best HVAC service company, we give great importance to the quality of Indoor Air. This service is highly cost-effective with some insane benefits, including a safe and facilitated HVAC system. In addition, indoor air controls the humidity, increasing the efficiency of your system.


An Essential Part of AC Service for
Indoor Air Quality

Air Filtration

Air filtration is one of the most vital parts of indoor air quality. You should keep an eye on your AC air filters and change them when needed. These filters could be filled with large amounts of dust and debris, affecting the quality of your AC.


Humidifiers add moisture to the indoor air to increase humidity levels in your home. It is beneficial for improving air quality and keeping you away from health hazards. The device is energy efficient and needs to be installed professionally in your HVAC system.

Air Duct Cleaning

Humidifiers add moisture to the indoor air to increase humidity levels in your home. It is beneficial for improving air quality and keeping you away from health hazards. The device is energy efficient and needs to be installed professionally in your HVAC system.


Regular maintenance is necessary for indoor air quality. Without proper maintenance, your system can spoil your environment. Also, it can lead to performance issues or even complete failure. Make sure you consult professional services to avoid inconvenience.

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Service Needs, Don’t Hesitate to Call

Frequently Asked Questions

Pacific Heating and Cooling provides a wide range of services for residential and commercial customers, including furnace repair and installation, air conditioning repair and installation, indoor air quality services, and hot water tank repair and installation.

You can schedule a service appointment with Pacific Heating and Cooling by calling their office at (403)263-2887 or by filling out the contact form on their website

Yes, Pacific Heating and Cooling offers 24/7 emergency services for heating and cooling repair.

It is recommended to have your heating and cooling system serviced annually to ensure it is running efficiently and to catch any potential problems before they become major issues.

Yes, Pacific Heating and Cooling offers maintenance plans that include regular inspections and tune-ups to keep your heating and cooling system running at peak performance.

Yes, Pacific Heating and Cooling provides free estimates for new installations and replacements.

If your heating or cooling system is more than 10 years old, requires frequent repairs, or is no longer keeping your home or business comfortable, it may be time to consider a replacement. A professional from Pacific Heating and Cooling can help you determine if a replacement is necessary.

We recommend having your heating and cooling system serviced at least once a year to ensure optimal performance and efficiency.

Pacific Heating and Cooling works with a variety of heating and cooling systems, including furnaces, air conditioners, heat pumps, boilers, and more.

If you notice unusual noises, reduced performance, or higher energy bills, it may be time to call for repair services. Regular maintenance can also help prevent potential issues from developing.

Yes, our team can help you choose the right heating or cooling system for your home based on your needs, budget, and energy efficiency preferences.

Pacific Heating and Cooling offers air quality testing and improvement services, which may include air purifiers, humidifiers, or ventilation systems to help improve indoor air quality.

Yes, Pacific Heating and Cooling offers financing options to help make new installations or replacements more affordable.


Trusted Service With Affordable Price


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